
2015년 12월 5일 토요일

PE 12/2 Money Does Not Buy Happiness

* bounce something off one: to get another person’s opinion of an idea
ex> We shouldn’t change the schedule until we’ve bounced it off the other employees.

* long overdue for: to have been entitled for a long time to something that has not happened yet
ex> The weather forecast doesn’t surprise me because we are long overdue for some cold weather.

* sooner or later: at some future time; eventually
ex> Sooner or later we’re going to have to get gas, so let’s stop at the next station.

* something’s got to give: one force must yield to another; something has to yield or it will break under force or pressure.
ex> If we tie a rope to the door handle and if we all pull it, something’s got to give.
Note> This also means that emotions and tempers have escalated and there is going to be an outburst.
ex> Something’s got to give because they have been fighting every day for a month.

* at loggerheads: in a stubborn dispute or disagreement
ex> Students and school administrators are at loggerheads over the school’s new uniform policy.
Note> In the 17th century, a loggerhead was recorded as “an iron instrument with a long handle used for melting pitch and for heating liquids.” It is likely that the use of these tools as weapons was what was being referred to when rivals were first said to be  at loggerheads.

* rehash: to put old ideas or material into a new form without much improvement
ex> For many years, carmakers presented consumers with little more than rehashed designs.
ex> Kate and I kept rehashing the same arguments, so we decided to see a counselor.

* turnover: 이직률
This word has two other meanings. It can refer to the amount of money in sales that a store or a company receives. It also describes a pastry snack usually containing a fruit filling, where the pastry is folded over the filling.
ex> What did you company do to correct the high turnover it used to have?

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