
2014년 11월 26일 수요일

PE 11/24 Room Refresh

I kind of like the living room the way it is. But don’t let me stand in your way of following through on this project.
* don’t let me stand in your way: I don’t wish to prevent you from doing something
ex> Listen, don’t let me stand in your way if you want to dye your hair blonde. I just want you to know my opinion.

You’re going to rip apart our cough and re-cover it with fabric? Oh boy! Don’t you think you might be biting off more than you can chew?
* oh boy: an exclamation of surprise
ex> Is that Bozo the Clown? Oh boy, Billy is going to be really excited.
* bite off more than one can chew: to take on more responsibility than can be handled
ex> Tom bit off more than he could chew when he opened his third restaurant.

Come on, Aaron, throw your support behind me this time! You know I can sew, so the curtains won’t be any problem.
* throw one’s support behind: to provide someone with moral or financial backing
ex> I will always throw my support behind a cause that is good for the environment.

I’m sure you’ll be able to make the curtains. In fact, you made the curtains we have now. But can you make a wall-to-wall carpet?
* wall-to-wall: 벽에서 벽까지 바닥 전면의

Sounds more like 50 percent, but I’m not going to split hairs over it. Now, about these colors, I think I like burgundy the best…
* split hairs: to argue over trivial details
ex> If you’re going to split hairs over the restaurant bill, I’ll just pay.

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