
2013년 3월 2일 토요일

2/27 TOPIK

* guarantee: 장담하다, 보증하다
ex> He guaranteed us that things like these wouldn't happen.

* basically: 원래는, 기본적으로
* measure: 측정하다, 평가하다
ex> This test supposedly measures your cognitive ability.
ex> How do we measure the success of one's career?

* proficiency [prəfíʃənsi]: 숙달, 능력
ex> What can you do to improve your Chinese proficiency?

* influx: 유입, 쇄도
* be divided into: ~로 나뉘어지다
ex> The Iraqi people are divided into Sunnis and Shias.

@ My English is a little rusty.  내 영어 실력은 약간 녹슬었어.

1. I guarantee you that I'll be there on time.
2. This device measures oxygen in your blood.
3. You have to take a written exam first.
4. I offered him a proposal he couldn't refuse.

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