
2013년 3월 8일 금요일

PE 3/5 Ban Ki-moon Interview, Part 1, "Stepping Up Efforts for Equality"

1. step up efforts: 노력을 확대하다
ex> We aren't producing enough. We must step up efforts at the factory.

2. a tall order: a very difficult task or request. 아주 하기 어려운 일, 무리한 요구
ex> Finishing this work by the end of the week is a tall order, but I'll try.
ex> We have to finish the database tonight? That is a tall order!

3. an uphill battle: 매우 힘든 싸운[일]
ex> Starting a new project is always an uphill battle.

* vulnerability [vʌ̀lnərəbíləti]: 상처 받기 쉬움, 취약성
* disinformation: (고의로 유포한) 허위 정보  ex> They spread disinformation in order to discredit politicians.
cf> misinformation: 오보

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