
2013년 3월 27일 수요일

PE 3/26 Ban Ki-moon Interview, Part 4, "A Helping Hand"

1. to this day: up to now, 지금까지도
ex> To this day, whenever I hear that song, I think of my first dance with my first love.

2. set the stage: 계기를 마련하다
ex> This merger will set the stage for expansion of all of our product lines.
ex> The president's plan set the stage for improving relations with developing nations.

3. on speaking terms (with someone) : 친한 사이인, 말을 건네는 사이인 (often with the negative)
ex> I haven't been on speaking terms with my father since I dropped out of school.
ex> She's not been on speaking terms with her uncle for years.

** About Libba Patterson

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