
2013년 3월 23일 토요일

PE 3/22 Labeling GM Food

1. red tape: 불필요한 절차
ex> These days, the government is so bound up in red tape it can barely function.
ex> Well, there's a fair amount of red tape.

2. throw caution to the wind: stop caring about how dangerous something might be; start taking risks. 경고를 무시하다, 과감하게 행동하다
ex> Let's throw caution to the wind and start our own company!
ex> I decided to throw caution to the winds and buy myself a really expensive pair of shoes.

3. the writing is on the wall: 불길한 조짐이 있다
ex> Anyone who pays attention to world events knows the writing is on the wall.

* ballot measure: 정책 찬반 투표  ex> Now in 2005, Arnold Schwarzenegger lost a series of reform ballot measures in California.
* genetically modified: 유전자 조작의
*  tie up: 묶다, 속박하다

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