
2013년 3월 27일 수요일

3/26 Hypertension

* medical check-up: 건강검진
* for quite a while: 한참 동안
ex> I've been waiting here for quite a while.

* fairly: 상당히, 꽤
ex> Osteoporosis is a fairly common illness.

* in the mail: 우편으로
ex> You will receive your check in the mail.

* boy <감탄사> 맙소사, 어머나
* was I wrong: 내가 잘못 알았다
* borderline: 경계선상의, 경계선
ex> I was on the borderline between an A and a B in English.

* above normal: 정상보다 위
* stay away from: ~멀리하다, 피하다
ex> You'd better stay away from that stuff.

@ Your blood pressure is through the roof!  너의 혈압이 정말 높다!
* through the roof: suddenly very high or excessive
cf> go through the roof: become very angry   ex> He went through the roof when his friend totaled his new car.

1. I've been known her for quite a while.
2. It was a fairly difficult exam.
3. Unlike you, I thought that was no big deal.
4. My doctor recommended me to stay away from smoking.

** I had medical checkup last year, showing a little bit elevated liver enzyme and cholesterol profile. It may be due to fatty liver.
Ever since, I tried to work out regular exercise. Now I moved in Busan, I started playing Badminton. I think it's time to check my blood again.

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