
2013년 3월 21일 목요일

PE 3/20 Love Hurts

1. look grubby: 지저분해 보이다.  grubby hands/clothes, a grubby scandal
ex> I know he has money, so why do his clothes always look a little grubby?

2. pass muster: be good enough; be acceptable.   검열에 통과하다, 검사를 통과하다
ex> Son, work this sloppy will never pass muster with your teachers. Do it again.
ex> I didn't think Charlie's parents would like me, but evidently I pass muster.
* sloppy: 엉성한, 대충하는

3. go belly up: 죽다, 망하다
ex> Every company I have ever worked for has gone belly up.
ex> Last year the business went belly up after one of the partners resigned.

* shabby: looks old and in bad condition, = scruffy  ex> She wore shabby old jeans and a T-shirt.
* hobo [|hoʊboʊ]: 부랑자, 떠돌이 일꾼

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