
2013년 3월 28일 목요일

3/27 Water Shortage

* face: 직면하다
ex> She faces a lot of problems at school.

* water shortage; 물부족
* potable water  [|poʊtəbl]: clean and safe for drinking. 음료수  ex> This tap is potable.
* outweigh: ~보다 더 크다, 중대하다  ex> The advantages of this deal largely outweigh the disadvantages.

* estimate: 추정하다
ex> We've estimated the number of people who live in this area.

* stand at: (수치를) 나타내다
* avoid the issue: 문제를 피하다, = tiptoe around
ex> Please don't avoid the issue.
ex> The government should stop tiptoeing around the issue of health care.

* conservation: 절약
* take part in: ~에 참여하다, participate in
ex> I'd like you to take part in the show.

* exacerbate [ɪg|zӕsərbeɪt]: 악화시키다  ex> The symptoms may be exacerbated by certain drugs.
* mindful: ~을 염두에 두는, ~에 유념하는

@ The longest journey starts with a single step.  천리 길도 한 걸음부터야.

1. Our school faces bullying problem.
2. You can't demand an answer right now.
3. They estimated the damage from the fire.
4. Can you take part in our project?

* about Water stress

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