
2013년 3월 16일 토요일

PE 3/15 No Office? No Problem

1. the daily grind: 반복되는 일상
ex> I am getting extremely tired of the daily grind around here. I need some time off.
cf> the rat race: a job or way of live in which people compete aggressively with each other to be successful. 극심한 생존 경쟁
ex> Bob is tired of the rat race. He's retired and lives in the country.

2. life of Reilly: 안락하고 편안한 삶
ex> While we work, the boss is off living the life of Reilly on a tropical island.

3. pull up one's roots: 본거지를 떠나다, 집을 떠나다
ex> You can't just pull up your roots and move away! What about your family?

* entrepreneur [|ɑ:ntrəprə|n3:(r)]: 사업가, 기업가
* automate: 자동화하다
* maverick [|mӕvərɪk] : 개성이 강한 사람, 독불장군  ex> But de Gaulle was a heroic maverick.
* enrich: 풍요롭게 하다

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