
2013년 3월 9일 토요일

3/7 Jukkumi Bokkeum

* take someone out for lunch: ~을 데리고 나가 점심을 대접하다

* have: 먹다, 마시다
ex> What do you feel like having for dinner?
ex> We had too much soju last night.

* alleyway  [|ӕliwèi]: 골목, 좁은 길  e
ex> A suspect was last seen running towards this alleyway.

* happen to: 마침 ~하다
ex> If you happen to see him, please give me a ring.

* stir-fry: 볶다
* thick: 걸쭉한, 두꺼운
ex> My mother likes her soup thick and creamy.

* might not: 아닐 수도 있다
ex> He might not be there when you get there.

* pep up: to make somebody feel more lively or full of energy. (식욕을) 돋우어 주다, 활기를 불어넣다
ex> I guarantee this sauce will pep up your taste buds.
ex> Somebody needs to pep up this party.

@ It makes my mouth water.  군침이 돌게 한다.

1. Did you have breakfast this morning?
2. Dark alleyways are dangerous.
3. Add some starch to make your soup a little thicker.
4. I might not have enough time to shop.

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