
2013년 3월 7일 목요일

3/5 The World Baseball Classic

* a big fan: 열혈 팬
ex> She is a big fan of the Beatles.

* wait for: ~을 기다리다
* be held: ~가 열리다

* for good: 영원히, 아주
ex> she thinks smoking in restaurants should be banned for good.

* in response: 이에 대응하여
ex> In response, the government decided to build more nuclear power plants.

* sanction: (1) official permission, 승인하다, 인가하다 (2) punishment, 제재(against sth)
ex> The board refused to sanction his request.
ex> The ultimate sanction  will be the closure of the restaurant.

* win-loss record: 승패 기록

@ Which team are you rooting for?  어떤 팀을 응원할 거야?
; support or encourage somebody in a sports competition or when they are in a difficult situation.
ex> Good luck. I'll rooting for you!

1. In the US, a presidential election is held every four years.
2. He left the baseball field for good.
3. In response, he filed a lawsuit against her.
4. Who holds the world record for the 100 Meter Dash?

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