* once: 어느 날, 한때, 한번
ex> He was once a popular guitarist.
* with that in mind: 그것을 염두에 두면
* pull out: 꺼내다, 빼다
ex> He pulled out a gun and shot the clerk.
ex> 10,000 American troops pulled out of Afghanistan last year.
* wonder why: 왜인지 궁금해하다
ex> I wonder why I can't tell her how I feel.
ex> Have you ever wondered why we say "bless you" when someone sneezes?
* rectangle: 직사각형 cf> square, triangle
* pleasing: 보기 좋은, 즐거운
* phi: Φ
* geometry: 기하학
* square root: 제곱근
* divided by: ~로 나눈
* fascinating: 매혹적인, 흥미로운 ex> a fascinating story/subject
ex> The giant panda is a fascinating animal.
** The golden ratio
@ I'm blown away by it. 그것은 나를 놀라게 했어.
1. She was once a famous opera singer.
2. He pulled out a small knife from his pocket.
3. I wonder why he doesn't return my calls.
4. She has a fascinating personality.
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