
2013년 5월 27일 월요일

PE 5/24 Saving for College

1. squirrel away  [|skw3:rəl]: ~을 감춰 두다
ex> As a child, I used to squirrel most of my candy away so that I would always have some.
ex> She had money squirrelled away in various bank accounts.

2. sky high: 아주 높은, 하늘을 찌를 듯한
ex> Costs for lunch at this restaurant are sky high now! Let's find someplace else to eat.
ex> His confidence is still sky-high.

3. fall by the wayside: 중간에 사라지다, 중도에 포기하다
ex> I am afraid that all the polite customs between ladies and gentlemen have fallen by the wayside.
ex> 25 students began the course but a number have fallen by the wayside and only 12 will be taking the exam.

* record level: 기록적인 수준
* latter: 후자
* priority: 우선순위
* savings account: 저축 예금

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