
2013년 5월 21일 화요일

5/21 Changdeok-gung

* be nestled in: ~에 자리잡다, 아담한 장소에 있다
ex> The little town nestles snugly at the foot of the hill.
cf> nestle against: ~ 품으로 파고들다

* prosper  [|prɑ:spə(r)]: 번창하다, 창성하다 = thrive, flourish, do well
ex> The high street banks continue to prosper.

* virtue: 미덕, 덕목, 장점
ex> What is your greatest virtue?

* stem from: ~에서 유래하다, ~에서 생겨나다
ex> The idea for the play stemmed from actual events.

* be credited with: ~을 한 것으로 여겨지다
* nasty: 추잡한, 끔찍한, 심한
* spat: 승강이, 다툼, 입씨름
ex> I always had spats with my brother in childhood.

* kin: 친척, 친족 = relatives
* namely: 다시 말해, 즉
* arsonist: 방화범
* stream: 개울, 천
* Feng Shui [fΛŋ ʃwéi]: 풍수

@ Three is a crowd.  세 명이면 너무 많아

1. Honest is her greatest virtue.
2. The problem stemmed from your irresponsibility.
3. It's just a little spat between us.
4. You should praise your friends more.

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