
2013년 5월 20일 월요일

5/17 Buddha's Birthday

* revere [rɪ|vɪr] : 숭배하다, 존경하다
ex> The people love and revere him.

* nationwide: 전국적으로
* a multitude of: 다수의, 많은
ex> We can do a multitude of things to help the environment.

* in honor of: ~을 기념하여
* lotus lantern: 연등, 연꽃등
* flood: 쇄도하다, 폭주하다, 밀려들다
ex> The group of kids floods into the cafeteria.

* festivity: 축제 행사
* illumination: 깨달음
* relief: 안도, 경감, 구제
ex> I need some relief from all this stress.
ex> The refugees need relief from their pain and perverty.

* quite a sight: 대단한 광경
* partake in: ~에 참가하다, 가담하다
ex> Would you like to partake in the dancing?

* devotee: 경건한 신자

@ That's a given.  그건 당연해.

1. According to this article, the economy is improving.
2. There are a multitude of colors to choose.
3. What a relief the meeting has been canceled!
4. He's going to partake in the show tonight.

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