
2013년 5월 13일 월요일

5/13 The Basic Old-age Pension

* pension: 연금
* welfare system: 복지 제도
* fixed: 일정한, 고정된
ex> I applied for a fixed rate mortgage.

* income scale: 소득 등급  ex> scale of 1 to 10
* eligible: ~할 자격이 있는  ex> eligible bachelor: 최고의 신랑감
* in terms of: ~면에서, ~에 관하여
ex> In terms of quality, this one is better than that one.

* reform: 개혁하다
ex> The new CEO vowed to reform the company.

* under: ~에 따르면(law, policy...)
ex> Under the 13th Amendment, slavery is prohibited.

* stir up: 일으키다, 유발하다
ex> His insincere comments stirred up controversy.
ex> You are only stirring up trouble here.

@ You can take that to the bank.   내 말은 믿어도 돼.

1. It's hard to afford a car with my fixed income.
2. Only women are eligible to join our country club.
3. He thinks that we need to reform our school system.
4. Under new law, super supermarkets must close twice a month.

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