
2013년 5월 11일 토요일

5/10 Sejong City

* revered: 존경 받는 (= respected)
ex> This is revered tradition in my family.

* planned city: 계획 도시
* self-governing: 자치의
* establish: 출범하다, 건립하다
ex> His ultimate goal is to establish a university.

* township: 면
* town: 읍
* neighborhood: 동
* initially: at first, 처음에
ex> The concert was initially scheduled to be held in Seoul.

* the Constitutional Court: 헌법 재판소
* rule: 판결을 내리다
ex> The judge ruled that he should be sent to his home country.

* unconstitutional: 위헌의
* argue: 주장하다, 언쟁하다
ex> she argued that this price hike would reduce smoking rates.

* government agency: 정부 부처
* civil servant: 공무원
* be scheduled to: ~할 예정이다
ex> The trial is scheduled to start next Monday.

@ Where is the power outlet?  콘센트 어디 있어?

1. He was a highly revered president.
2. This restaurant was established in 1898.
3. The Supreme Court ruled that the law constitutional.
4. He is scheduled to be here tomorrow.

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