
2013년 5월 22일 수요일

PE 5/21 Jim Yong Kim Interview, Part 3, "Going Viral"

1. stretch things: ~을 과장하다
ex> It is stretch things to say that the economy is recovering.

2. put oneself out there: 최선을 다하다, 상당한 노력을 기울이다
ex> How can you meet a good man if you never put yourself out there?
ex> If you want to get hired, you have to put yourself out there.

3. overshadow: 무색하게 만들다, 빛을 잃게 하다
ex> Until they were adults, Tim's accomplishments always overshadowed his brother's.
ex> I don't want our new product to be overshadowed by any similar products this year!

* cooperation: 협력
* mashup: 매시업, 두 노래를 합쳐서 만든 음악
* go viral: 순식간에 퍼지다

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