
2013년 5월 2일 목요일

5/2 Duck Day and Cucumber Day

* you know what I mean: 내 말이 무슨 뜻인지 알 것이다, 그렇지 않니?
* and so on and so forth: 기타 등등
ex> They had pizza, hotdogs, chips, drinks, and so on and so forth.

* be meant for: ~을 위한 것이다, 운명을 타고나다
ex> We are meant for each other.
ex> These products are clearly not meant for children.

* be designed to: ~하기 위해 만들어지다
* cucumber: 오이
* pronounce [prə|naʊns]: 발음하다, 표명하다, 선언하다  n) pronunciation [prə|nʌnsi|eɪʃn]
ex> How do you pronounce your name?
ex> I now pronounce you man and wife.

* furthermore: 게다가, 더욱더
ex> Furthermore, you have to go to the bank in person.

* encourage: 장려하다, 촉진하다  (= promote)
* boost: 늘이다, 밀어 올리다
ex> The president visited the base to boost soldiers' morale.

@ I eat duck once in a blue moon.  나는 어쩌다 한번 오리를 먹어.

1. She asked about my job, my salary, my age, and so and so forth.
2. They were meant for each other.
3. I think the consumption of alcohol in Korea is too high.
4. The government will boost the real estate market.

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