
2013년 5월 28일 화요일

5/27 Kaesong Industrial Region

* industrial region: 공업 지구
* back in: 지난, 예전
ex> I was a great athlete back in college.

* collaborate: 공동으로 작업하다, 협력하다
ex> I'd like to collaborate with you on this project.

* less of a part: 더 적은 역할, 부분
ex> She has less of a part in raising her children since the divorce.

* impose: 부과하다, 가하다
* sanction: 제재조치
* step up: 증가시키다
* inspection: 검열, 검사
* come in and out: 들어오고 나가다
* react: 반응하다
* do away with: ~을 폐쇄하다, 없애다
ex> They've decided to do away with the whole deal.

* military zone: 군사지역

@ They have a huge following!  그들은 팬들이 아주 많아!

1. This area was very dangerous back in the 80's.
2. We will collaborate with us on the song
3. I don't want less of a part.
4. Stop creating so much tension!

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