
2013년 5월 31일 금요일

5/29 Wart

* plantar wart  [|plӕntə(r)] : (발바닥에 생기는) 무사마귀
* sole  [soʊl]: 발바닥, 바닥  ex> The hot sand burned the soles of their feet.
* corn: 티눈
* be confused with: ~와 혼동되다
ex> The term psychologist should not be confused with psychiatrist.

* pea [pi:]: 완두콩
* bother: 성가시게 하다, 괴롭히다
* put pressure on: ~을 압박하다, 압력을 가하다
ex> Don't put pressure on here. It's very weak.

* hurt like the dickens: 매우 아프다 (= a lot)
ex> It's hot like the Dickens.

* pare [per]: 깎다, 벗기다
ex> Can you please not pare your nail here?
ex> We ought to pare down our expenses.
ex> The workforce has been pared to the bone.

* nail clipper: 손톱깎이
* ease: 덜어 주다, 완화하다
* home remedy: 민간 치료법, 가정 치료법
* go away: 없어지다
* on one's own: 저절로, 혼자서, 단독으로
ex> I picked up snowboarding on my own.

@ It's very tender.  만지면 많이 아파.

1. Capital is often confused with capitol.
2. The stomping has been bothering me for a while.
3. Put pressure on here to stop the bleeding.
4. I think I can do it on my own.

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