
2013년 5월 21일 화요일

5/20 Metabolic Syndrome

* pamphlet: 팜플릿, 안내 책자 = leaflet, flyer
ex> Here are some pamphlets about smoking cessation.

* metabolic syndrome: 대사증후군
* stroke: 뇌줄중
* high triglyceride level: 고중성지방 혈증
* High Density Lipoprotein cholestrol: HDL 콜레스테롤
* fasting blood sugar: 공복 혈당
ex> She has been fasting for two days.

* be diagnosed with: ~로 진단받다
ex> She was diagnosed with a rare disease when she was five years old.

* aggressive: 공격적인, 적극적인

@ You are a workout junkie.  너는 운동 중독자야.
It's my own way of letting off steam.

1. I have to make a pamphlet for a school project.
2. Can you tell me when the accident occurred?
3. You always have to think about the risks.
4. He was diagnosed with lung cancer.

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