
2013년 5월 16일 목요일

EBS World News (5/15)

New Atheism
Now, you dont have to be a philosopher, a scientist or a theologian to have noticed the growing number of fierce attacks on religion over the past decade. The new atheism, as its called, has been exemplified by the books of the geneticist professor Richard Dawkins. But his distinguished colleague Steve Jones, Emeritus Professor of Genetics at University College London, has now written a book that takes on the Bible in a much less confrontational wayThe Serpents Promise: the Bible Retold as Science examines the basis of a lot of biblical stories in the light of what we now understand about physics and biology.

Key Vocabulary & Expressions
theologian   [|θi:ə|loʊdƷən]  신학자
fierce 맹렬한격렬한사나운
atheism [|eɪθiɪzəm] 무신론
as it’s called = so-called
exemplify ~ 예가 되다, ~ 예증하다  ex> His food exemplifies Italian cooking at its best.
emeritus  [i|merɪtəs] 명예직의명예교수
take on sth ~ 도전하다, ~ 떠맡다
confrontational 대립적인
in the light of ~ 비추어, ~ 고려하여  

Woman Survives 17 Days in Bangladesh Factory Rubble 
An unbelievable story out of Bangladesh, where 17 days after that horrifying clothing factory collapse, a survivor has been found. The woman was first spotted waving her hands... well, crews immediately ran to dig her out.
Rescuers say that she apparently had some access to some water and some dried food which ran out on Wednesday. More than a thousand people were killed from that collapse... the worst clothing industry disaster ever.

Key words and expressions

horrifying (adjective) = 무시무시한, 끔찍한, 소름끼치는
e.g. a horrifying incident
collapse (noun) = 붕괴
e.g. the collapse of a bridge
to spot = (찾기 힘든 상황에서) 발견하다
e.g. he was spotted by a talent scout.
e.g. Can you spot the difference between these two pictures?
to dig someone/something out = (누군가/무언가) 파내다
e.g. have you dug up any information on the man?
to have access to something = (무언가) 접할 있다
e.g. the family has not had access to clean water in over a month
to run out = (run out of something) (무언가) 떨어지다, 바닥나다
e.g. we're running out of time, let's hurry!
the worst (something) ever = 사상 최악의 (무엇)
e.g. the biggest cake ever!

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