
2013년 5월 16일 목요일

PE 5/15 Out of the Frying Pan...

1. don't tell me: 설마 ~은 아니겠지?
ex> Don't tell me that you were late for school again?

2. be raised in a barn: 헛간에서 자라다, 막 자라다
ex> Take your boots off in the house! Were you raised in a barn?

3. nice try: 수고했어, 애썼어
ex> The salesman tried to trick me but I caught him, and said, "Nice try, pal!"

* overreact: 과민하게 반응하다
* seasoned: 양념한
* scour and scrub [|skaʊə(r)]: 문질러 닦아 내다
ex> scour the floor
ex> I had to scour out the pans.

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