
2013년 5월 29일 수요일

5/28 Detoxification

* detoxification: 디톡스, 해독  v> detoxify: 해독하다
* all the time: 항상, 언제나
ex> We eat here all the time.

* rid oneself of: ~을 없애다, 벗어나다
ex> rid oneself of a bad habit: 악습에서 벗어나다

* waste: 노폐물, 폐기물
* key player: 주된 역할을 하는 것, 사람
* cool off: 식혀 주다  cools us off [쿨써써f]
* pore: 모공, 땀구멍
* elimination: 제거
ex> Elimination of corruption in government is a good goal.
ex> The elimination of the contestant on the show was shocking.

* excrement [|ekskrɪmənt]: 대변, 배설물 = faeces, poop
* gross out: 역겹게 하다
ex> She was grossed out by the food.

* favor: 부탁, 호의
ex> That's not a big favor to ask.

* enable: 할 수 있게 하다
ex> We must enable them to have electricity.

* go on a fast: 단식을 하다

@ This was a good call.  이것은 좋은 결정이었어.

1. Is it necessary to dress up for the party?
2. Don't worry. I make mistakes all the time.
3. She's trying to ask you for a big favor.
4. Don't enable an alcoholic with a drink.

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