
2013년 5월 31일 금요일

5/30 House Poor

* be mired in [|maɪərd] : ~에 빠지다, 곤경에 빠지다
ex> That country is mired in deep recession.

* debt: 부채, 빚
* home mortgage: 주택담보대출
* pay off: (빚을) 완전히 갚다
ex> You can't pay it off all at once.
ex> She can pay it off next month.

* crisis: 위기
* picture: 상황
* on credit: 외상으로, 대출로
* overwhelming: 감당하기 힘든
* beyond one's means: 분수에 넘치는 수입을 초과해서
ex> They cared so much about their image that they lived beyond their means.

* upkeep: 유지 = maintain
ex> My financial manager does the upkeep on my investments.
ex> The maid is responsible for the upkeep of the hotel rooms.

* utility bill: 공과금
* necessity: 필수품
* live on credit: 빚을 지고 살다
* be unwilling to: ~하기 꺼려하는
* downsize: 축소하다, 줄이다
ex> The parents will downsize after their children leave for college.

@ Things are looking up! 상황이 나아지기 시작하네. (Every cloud has a silver lining.)

1. The actress was mired in gossip and scandal.
2. We want you to pay it off immediately.
3. We have a full-blown crisis.
4. It's vital to downsize in this economy.

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