
2013년 5월 25일 토요일

5/24 Pope Francis

* chimney: 굴뚝
* signal: 표시하다, 신호를 보내다
ex> I signaled him that that it was time to finish the show.

* pontiff: 교황
* cardinal: 추기경
* Catholic: 가톨릭교도
ex> You can see a big Catholic Church next to the park.

* name after: ~의 이름을 따서 짓다
* represent: 상징하다, 대표하다
* austere [ɔ:|stɪr]: 검소한, 소박한
ex> I was surprised because his house was so austere.

* archbishop: 대주교
* forgo: 포기하다, 마다하다
ex> I'm going to have to forgo dessert tonight.

* chauffeured: 기사가 딸린
* inauguration: 취임, 취임식

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너 아이디가 뭐야?

1. She signaled at me to come to her table. 
2. He was very proud of his austere lifestyle.
3. You are being irrational rather than rational.
4. No one wants to forgo the latest technology.

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