
2013년 5월 15일 수요일

Morning Special (5/14)

Today's Headlines

1. President Park Geun-hye has personally apologized for the growing scandal over the sexual harassment allegations surrounding her former spokesman Yoon Chang-jung, promising to bring everything about the incident to light.
* bring sth to light: 드러내, 밝히다  ex> The police investigation brought to light evidence of more than one crime.

2. Seoul's main cultural heritage protection areas will be smoke-free starting next year, with fines of up to a hundred thousand won for people who light up there.
* light up: 단배를 피워 물다  ex> They all lit up as soon as he left the room.

3. A Seoul National University Hospital survey has found that almost 65 percent of stomach cancer patients experienced no symptoms of the disease before being diagnosed after a physical examination.

4. The Ministry of Employment and Labor has announced that the words ‘’ and ‘’, which represent the hierarchical relationship between a business and its employees, will be done away with in contracts.
* hierarchical [|haɪə|rɑ:rkɪkl]: 계층[계급] 따른  ex> a hierarchical society/structure/organization
* do away with: to make sth no longer necessary,  ex> He thinks it’s time we did away with the monarchy.

5. The mercury rose to a steamy nearly 33 degrees yesterday in Ulsan, the hottest day recorded in the country in May since 1932, when record-keeping began.
* steamy: 찌는 듯한, 선정적인  ex> the steamy heat of Tokyo

News Close Up

It's nearly a foregone conclusion at this point that historic monuments and sites in the North Korean city of Gaeseong are going to be added to the UNESCO World Heritage list. A UNESCO report released Monday let the cat out of the bag ahead of the 37th World Heritage Committee meeting in mid-June. Gaeseong was the capital of the Goryeo Dynasty until it was supplanted by Hanseong at the start of the Chosun Dynasty.

Key Words/Phrases 

1. foregone conclusion 뻔한 결과, 처음부터 알고 있는 결론
: a result regarded as inevitable
Ex) It's a foregone conclusion that the highly popular candidate will win the election.

2. let the cat out of the bag 무심코 비밀을 누설하다
: to reveal a secret or announcement earlier than expected (or by accident)
Ex) It's a secret. Try not to let the cat out of the bag.

3. supplant [sə|plӕnt](낡거나 구식이 것을) 대신하다
: to replace
Ex) Larry supplanted Charlie as my boss at work. 

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