
2013년 5월 21일 화요일

5/20 Change of Status

1. drown one's sorrows: 슬픔을 달래다
ex> I like to drown my sorrows in my mother's home cooking... lots and lots of it!

2. look ~ in the eye: ~을 똑바로 바라보다
ex> An honest person should be able to look anyone in the eye.

3. overextend on credit: 신용 한도를 초과하다
ex> Be careful when making payments spread over several months not to overextend on credit.

* tub: 통, 욕조
* scrape: 긁다, 긁어모으다
* decent: 적절한, 상당한  ex> a decent salary
* severance [|sevərəns]: 해고, 퇴직  ex> severance pay/terms  퇴직금/퇴직 조건

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