
2013년 6월 13일 목요일

6/13 Dan-oh

Talk about a Korean traditional holiday called Dan-oh.

You know, there are four major Korean holidays.
Do you think you can name them all?
They're Lunar New Year, Chuseok, which is my favorite, Hansik and Dan-oh.
Dan-oh, also called Surit-nal, falls on the 5th day of May in the lunar calendar.
Several festivals related to this holiday still remain in Korea.
In particular, the Gangneung Dan-oh Festival is the most famous.
UNESCO designated this festival as a Masterpiece of the Oral and Intangible Heritage ofHumanity.
Traditionally, women washed their hair and faces in water boiled with changpo, sweet flag.
For men, they wore iris roots around their waists to prevent evil spirits.

* major 중요한주요한심각한
ex> Obviously, kimchi is a major ingredient in this dish.

* name 이름을 대다지정하다
ex> I want you to name the person who did this to you.
ex> All of the people named above should be here early tomorrow.

* lunar 달의음력의
* fall on (날짜가) ~이다
ex> My girlfriend's birthday falls on a Monday next week.

related ~와 관련된
in particular 특별히특히
ex> I like reading non-fiction novels in particular.

the most famous 가장 유명한
designate 지정하다선정하다
ex> I'm designating you as our driver tonight.

masterpiece 걸작명작
intangible 무형의만질 수 없는
heritage 유산
boiled 끓인삶은
sweet flag 창포
iris 창포홍채

Your hair is smooth as silk. 너의 머릿결은 비단처럼 부드럽구나.

1. Low birth rate is a major problem in Korea.
2. The authorities didn't name the suspects.
3. In particular, she likes K-Pop.
4. He was designated as our captain.

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