
2013년 6월 28일 금요일

6/27 Nitrogen Gas Packaging

Many consumers are complaining that these snack bags are excessively slack-filled.
* excessively: 지나치게, 과도하게
ex> Try not to drink excessively tonight.
* slack-fill: 느슨히 담다
* bag of snacks: 과자 봉지

I bought a bag of nitrogen gas and they threw in the snacks!
* throw in: 덤으로 주다, 곁들이다
ex> I’m going to throw in this mouse pad!
ex> You can have the piano for $200, and I'll throw in the stool as well.

I’m sure those confectionery companies aren't trying to shortchange you.
* shortchange: 속이다, 잔돈을 모자라게 주다
ex> He feels he’s been shortchanged by his employer.
* confectionery: 과자류, 단 음식

Those snack bags are filled by weight, not volume.
* volume: 부피, 용량, 분량
ex> We measure these items by volume.

Why do they put nitrogen gas in the first place?
* in the first place: 우선, 처음부터
ex> You shouldn’t have said that in the first place.
ex> I still don't understand why you chose that name in the first place.

The gas is added to keep the snacks from being crushed.
* crush: 눌러 부수다, 으깨다
ex> The cake got crushed on the way here.

I feel like I've been screwed over!  골탕 먹는 느낌이야!
ex> It was fun to him to screw over her.

1. Sometimes, I tend to work out excessively.
2. I bought this jacket and they threw in the scarf for free!
3. Don’t even think about shortchanging me.
4. You should never have gone there in the first place.

Talk about nitrogen gas packing.
It happens all the time!
You open your favorite bag of snacks and find a little bit of snacks and lots of air, maybe too much air.
Many consumers are complaining that these snack bags are excessively slack-filled.
Someone cynically told me, “I bought a bag of nitrogen gas and they threw in the snacks!”
I’m sure those confectionery companies aren't trying to shortchange you or anything like that.
Those snack bags are filled by weight, not volume.
But why do they put nitrogen gas in the first place?
The gas is added to keep the snacks from being crushed.
Moreover, nitrogen gas keeps your snacks fresh longer.

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