
2013년 6월 26일 수요일

PE 6/25 Adele Interview, Part 4, "Collaboration and Compliments"

1. climb over each other: 서로 싸우다, 서로 경쟁하다
ex> People were climbing over each other to volunteer for the internship.

2. beat down one's door: ~의 환심을 사다
ex> When I was younger, employers used to beat down my door with offers of work.
ex> It's funny how politicians will beat down your door to get your vote, and then you never see them again.

3. do lunch: 점심을 같이하다
ex> I'd like to do lunch with your to go over the basic terms of the contract.
ex> Nice to see you! We should do lunch sometime.

* all over the map: 전 세계에서

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