
2013년 6월 7일 금요일

6/5 Shingles

Explain about shingles.

One of my colleagues didn't show up for work one day.
He had never missed a day of work.
texted him and asked "What's up?"
He said he had shingles.
I didn't know what that was, so I called him and asked, "What are shingles?"
Shingles is a viral disease that causes a painful skin rash.
It is caused by the same virus which causes chickenpox.
After you've had chickenpox, the virus stays dormant in your body.
Then years later, the virus becomes active again as shingles when your immune system weakens.
It appears only on one side of the body as a stripe of blisters.
It's not a life-threatening disease, but should be treated immediately.

* show up: 나타나다, 도착하다
ex> I'm just waiting here for him to show up.

* miss: 놓치다
ex> Why did you miss your class yesterday?
ex> I can't believe I missed the easiest question on the test.

* shingles: 대상포진 
* skin rash: 피부 발진
* be caused by: ~에 기인하다, ~에 의해 발생하다
ex> The problem was caused by a small glitch in the system.

* chickenpox: 수두
* dormant: 잠복중인, 휴면중인 = latent
ex> Did you know that Baekdusan is a dormant volcano?

* stripe: 줄, 줄무늬
ex> He's wearing a yellow shirt with black stripes.

* life-threatening: 생명을 위협하는
ex> Pneumonia can become life-threatening if not treated promptly.

Get plenty of rest. 푹 쉬도록 해.

1. Your son didn't show up at school today.
2. Let me know if you're going to miss your appointment.
3. The accident was caused by his carelessness.
4. I want to get that shirt with blue stripes.

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