
2013년 6월 21일 금요일

PE 6/20 Pearl Harbor Memorial

1. smack dab: 바로, 확실히, 정확히
ex> Why are you always smack dab in the middle of every problem in the office?
ex> I grew up on a farm smack dab in the middle of the state.

2. be creeped out: to make sb feel frightened and not safe, 소름 끼치다
ex> Seeing a girl with those colored contact lenses always creeps me out.
ex> I was a little creeped out by their first video.

3. a fighting chance: 성공 가능성
ex> Unless we can improve the battery life, our product won't have a fighting chance.
ex> This medicine should give your boy a fighting chance to beat this infection.
ex> With five minutes of the game left, our team still has a fighting chance of winning.

* in vain: 헛되이
* aviator: 비행사

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