
2013년 6월 12일 수요일

6/12 Voluntary Retirement

Talk about voluntary retirement in Korea.

The ratio of Korea's elderly population is one of the biggest in the world.
People 65 or older are considered elderly by law.
On averagevoluntary retirement for Koreans is usually in their mid-40s to 50s.
However, many face problems as they try to make the transition.
Some take up part-time jobs or open up small businesses which eventually flounder.
Others are left isolated from society and depressed.
The poverty rate of senior citizens is quite high at about 45 percent.
There is talk of new policy measures from the government to help the elderly.
This includes extending the retirement age and larger pensions.

* voluntary retirement 명예퇴직희망퇴직
* elderly population 노인 인구
* by law 법적으로법에 의해
ex> Jaywalking is considered a felony by law.

* on average 평균평균적으로
ex> On average, I make around $500 in commissions a month.

* face 직면하다직시하다대면하다
ex> You're going to face a lot of hostility in the meeting room.
ex> She needs to face the truth.

* transition 변환전환이행
* take up (취미나 일을시작하다
ex> I want to take up the piano.
ex> She is going to take up a job at the cafe.

* flounder [|flaʊndə(r)] 허우적거리다침체 상태를 벗어나지 못하다 ex> His abrupt change of subject left her floundering helplessly.
* talk 논의협의회의소문
ex> There is talk of promotion and raises!
ex> I hear there is talk of a new director coming in.

* policy measure 시책, 정책 방안  ex> Policy measure for the emigration for new development
* pension 연금

I look up to her. 나는 그녀를 존경해

1. Prisoners are granted visitors by law.
2. On average, this area has about 10 cm of rainfall a year.
3. It's going to be hard to face the situation.
4. Bullied children often feel isolated and alone.

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