
2013년 6월 8일 토요일

6/7 Haeundae Sand Festival

Talk about the Haeundae Sand Festival.

You may think the first week of June is a little early to hit the beach.
However, that might not be the case in Busan.
Busan's beautiful Haeundae Beach is hosting an annual sand festival starting today!
Just in case you didn't know, Haeundae Beach is indisputably the most popular beach in Korea.
Obviously, you can see beautifully-made sand sculptures spread across the beach.
There are a lot of beach activities that can keep the whole family occupied during the festival.
Anyway, I personally think that June is the perfect time to visit Haeundae because it is warm enough to enjoy sunbathing and also before the unwelcome monsoon season.

* hit ~로 가다, ~에 도착하다
ex> Do you want to hit the club tonight?
ex> When is the best time to hit the store?

* be the case 사실이 그러하다
ex> I'm afraid that is exactly the case.
ex> The same will be the case in Kosovo if we are not careful.

host 주최하다개최하다
annual 연례의매년의
* just in case 만약 ~인 경우에만일을 위해서
ex> I'm saving a seat for her just in case she shows up late.

indisputably 논란의 여지없이명백하게 = inarguably 
beautifully-made 아름답게 만들어진
sand sculpture 모래 조각품

keep someone occupied ~을 계속 바쁘게 하다즐겁게 보내다
ex> This game will keep them occupied for a while.
ex> The most important thing is to keep yourself occupied.

perfect time to ~하기에 최적의 시기
ex> Spring is the perfect time to visit Yosemite National Park.

sunbathing [|sʌnbeɪð] 일광욕
unwelcome 달갑지 않은
ex> He was an unwelcome guest.

@ Take the Kyeongbu Expressway and then use the Hobeop Interchange.  호법 분기점을 이용하세요. 

1. Im going to hit the gym after work.
2. That's surely not the case for you.
3. This will definitely keep your kids occupied for hours.
4. Whenever I go to her house, I feel unwelcome.

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