
2013년 6월 26일 수요일

6/24 108 Bows

Talk about 108 bows.

Bowing in Buddhism is a meditative practice that encourages self-reflection and concentration.
* encourage: 격려하다, 권장하다, 조장하다
ex> The government encouraged its citizens to conserve electricity.
* meditative: 묵상적인, 명상적인
* self-reflection: 자기 반성

Bowing 108 times is not an easy thing to do.
* not an easy thing to: ~하기 쉽지 않은 일
ex> A gambling problem is not an easy thing to deal with.

However, the practice of 108 bows is catching on.
* catch on: 유행하다, 인기를 얻다
ex> Their smartphones never really caught on.

More and more people are doing 108 bows for exercise.
* more and more: 점점 더, 더욱 많은
ex> More and more students are tuning into EBS FM.

This exercise is said to improve your health by strengthening the body.
* strengthen: 강화하다, 보강하다
ex> I need to strengthen my back muscles.

It increases concentration and creates a feeling of calmness and overall well-being.
* overall: 전반적인, 
ex> Overall, your presentation was a success.

It’s easy when you get the hang of it. 익숙해지면 쉬워.

1. His story will encourage other people.
2. Studying English is not an easy thing to do.
3. These electronic cigarettes are really catching on.
4. She was happy with her overall performance.

Talk about 108 bows.
Bowing in Buddhism is a meditative practice that encourages self-reflection and concentration.
Many Buddhists often practice 108 bows.
I know what you’re thinking.
Yes, bowing 108 times is not an easy thing to do.
However, the practice of 108 bows is catching on.
More and more people are doing 108 bows for exercise.
Someone told me even some Catholic priests are doing 108 bows.
This exercise is said to improve your health by strengthening the body and increasing circulation.
Moreover, it has emotional benefits.
It increases concentration and creates a feeling of calmness and overall well-being.

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