
2013년 6월 11일 화요일

6/11 Casino

Talk about casino industry in Korea.

Although I've been to several casinos a few times, gambling really isn't my cup of tea.
I do not like taking risks.
On the other hand, if gambling is your kind of thing, you can play your favorite games at any of the 17 casinos in Korea.
In principle, gambling is illegal here with only a few exceptions.
Obviously, casinos are one of those exceptions.
Foreigners with passports can freely gamble at these casinos.
But oddly enough, only one out of those 17 casinos is open to Korean nationals.
The casino is called Kangwon Land.
It's located in a remote mining area in Gangwon province.
It was built to revitalize the local economy.
Remember! Gamble responsibly.

* one's cup of tea ~의 취향에 맞는 것마음에 드는 것
ex> Watching movies isn't my cup of tea.

* take risks 위험을 무릅쓰다모험을 하다
ex> Sometimes you need to take risks in order to avoid risk.

* on the other hand 반면에한편으로는
* one's kind of thing: ~가 좋아하는 것, 취향에 맞는 것, something that one enjoys
ex> Snowboarding is my kind of thing.

* in principle 원칙적으로대체적으로
ex> In principle, I totally agree with you.
ex> In principle, I have to say I'm against your proposal.

* oddly enough 아주 이상하게도이상한 일이지만 = curiously, strange(ly), absurdly
ex> Oddly enough, he didn't come home last night.
ex> Oddly enough, it will probably work better as a film than as a book.

* mining area 탄광 지역
* revitalize 소생시키다새로운 활력을 주다
ex> The local government is trying to revitalize their economy.

All bets are off. 어떤 일이 일어날지 몰라.

1. Politics isn't really my cup of tea.
2. She doesn't like taking risks at all.
3. Oddly enough, he doesn't like burgers.
4. This cream will revitalize sun-damaged skin.

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