
2013년 6월 1일 토요일

5/31 Taehwa River

* run through: ~을 관통하여 흐르다, 낭비하다, 널리 퍼지다
ex> What is the name of the river that runs through the heart of London?
ex> She quickly ran through her savings.
ex> An angry murmur ran through the crowd.

* industrial capital: 공업의 중심지
* industrialization: 산업화
* urbanization: 도시화
* pollute: 오염시키다
* stench  [stentʃ]: 악취 = reek, stink, foul odor
ex> I still can smell the stench of rotting fish.

* fishkill: 어류의 떼죽음
* send shock waves through: ~에 충격을 주다
ex> Her death sent shock waves through the country.

* launch: 시작하다, 개시하다
ex> The police launched an extensive investigation on this case.

* revival: 회복, 부활
* most of all: 무엇보다도
ex> Most of all, I want to see the new pope in person.

* salmon: 연어

@ I can pull a few strings. 내가 연줄을 좀 쓸 수가 있어.

1. Cheonggyecheon is a stream that runs through the heart of Seoul.
2. Their defeat sent shock waves through the whole country.
3. They are going to launch the next generation of their smartphone today.
4. Most of all, it's a fun program.

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