
2013년 6월 5일 수요일

6/3 Double Jaw Surgery

What is double jaw surgery?

Double jaw surgery is an excruciatingly painful surgery.
It entails the complete restructuring of the jaw.
Surgeons will fracture the jaw and reposition it.
The jaw bones are contoured to the facial line desired.
But many people believe the pain is worth it.
Patients seek a smaller face with a lean oval shape.
Korean celebrities are the hallmark of beauty to them, and they all have the "V-line."
However, there are some extra precautions to take if you are thinking about going under the knife.
It is a major procedure and requires general anesthesia.
Also, there is a heightened chance of excessive bleeding due to the drastic nature of the procedure.

* double jaw surgery 양악수술
excruciatingly:  극심하게대단히  ex> an excruciating headache
ex> The line at the counter is excruciatingly long.

entail수반하다, ~ 필요로 하다
ex> The job entails a lot of hard work.

* restructuring: 재건축재건
ex> They are restructuring the management at the hospital.
ex> These blueprints for your new house need a lot of restructuring.

* fracture:  ~ 골절시키다부수다골절
ex> I think he fractured his ribs from coughing.

* reposition: 위치를 바꾸다다른 장소로 옮기다
* contour: 윤곽을 그리다윤곽이 되다
be worth it: ~ 가치가 있다값을 하다
ex> I don’t think the costs are worth it.

* hallmark: 특징상징
ex> The sedan is the new hallmark of luxury and engineering.

* extra precaution: 각별한 주의
go under the knife:  have a medical operation, 수술을 받다  ex> He had to go under the knife twice, the first operation wasn't successful.

* major procedure: 대수술
* general anesthesia: 전신 마취
* heightened 고조된과장된높아진
ex> The airport heightened their security after the bomb threat.

excessive bleeding: 과다 출혈

He duped me!  그가 나를 속였어.
* dupe [du:p]: 속이다. 사기를 치다
ex> They soon realized they had been duped.

1. Her piano recital was excruciatingly boring.
2. Make sure the trip is worth it.
3. Courage and honesty are a hallmark of his character.
4. There is a heightened feeling of joy around the holidays.

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