
2013년 6월 27일 목요일

6/26 Quiz Time

I felt so sad when I heard the news of his passing.
* passing: 죽음, 소멸
ex> After her father’s passing, she decided to sell the house.
* pass away: 사망하다, 돌아가시다

According to the autopsy report, the cause of his death was acute intoxication of this drug, which caused him to stop breathing.
* acute: 급성의
ex> He was diagnosed with acute appendicitis.
* autopsy: 부검

This powerful drug is administered intravenously in hospitals.
* administer: 투여하다, 집행하다
ex> The doctor administered painkillers to the patient.

It is nicknamed “milk of amnesia” because it looks like milk.
* nickname: 별명을 붙이다
ex> nicknamed her “Bonbon” because she loves sweets.

This drug has been associated with cardiac arrest.
* be associated with: ~와 관련되다
ex> Smoking is associated with lung cancer.

Despite its serious side effects, an increasing number of people are abusing this drug.
* abuse: 남용하다, 학대하다
ex> He’s been abusing alcohol for a long time.
ex> She was indicted for abusing her five-year-old boy.
cf> indict [ɪn|daɪt]: to officially charged with it, 기소하다   ex> The senator was indicted for murder.

Actions always have consequences! 행동엔 언제나 결과가 따르는 거야!

1. His passing was announced publicly this morning.
2. She quickly administered an IV fluid to the patient.
3. This car was nicknamed “Gas Guzzler.”
4. He should stop abusing his position as CEO.

Do you think you can ID this?
I remember it like it was yesterday.
The King of Pop, Michael Jackson passed away on June 25, 2009.
I felt so sad when I heard the news of his passing.
According to the autopsy report, the cause of his death was acute intoxication of this drug, which caused him to stop breathing.
This powerful drug is administered intravenously in hospitals to put people into general anesthesia.
It is nicknamed “milk of amnesia” because it looks like milk.
This drug has been associated with cardiac arrest.
Despite its serious side effects, and increasing number of people are abusing this drug because it is known to induce a sense of euphoria.

** Propofol is very effective medicine in endoscopy as well as surgery. It quickly induce to sleep when administered intravenously. I also use propofol for the patient who undergo endoscopy. 
Some celebrities make it worse abusing it recklessly. 

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