
2013년 6월 20일 목요일

PE 6/19 Hanging Out

1. take a load off: 잠시 쉬다 = sit back and relax
ex> Hi Joe! Sit down here beside me and take a load off!

2. time and (time) again: 몇 번이고, 반복해서 = over and over again
ex> My father watched younger and less able men be promoted instead of him time and again, but he never complained.

3. slog through: ~을 묵묵히 계속하다, to work hard and steadily at sth, esp a boring or difficult task, for a long time
ex> We spent all night slogging through all the old financial records to find this receipt.
ex> I seem to have been slogging through this book for weeks.

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