
2013년 4월 11일 목요일

4/11 Hydrofluoric Acid

* hydrofluoric acid: 불화 수소산
* leak: 새다, 유출하다
ex> You need to close the lid tightly so it doesn't leak.
ex> A crucial piece of information was leaked to our competitors.

* horrific [hə|rɪfɪk]: 끔찍한  ex> a horrific murder/accident/attack
* claim: (목숨을) 앗아가다, 주장하다, 차지하다
ex> A massive tsunami claimed more than 15,000 lives.

* ailment: 질병
* corrosive: 부식성의
* dissolve: 녹다, 용해되다
ex> Make sure you dissolve sugar in water completely.

* refrigerant: 냉매
* oxide: 산화물

@ It was caused by a human error.  사람의 실수로 일어난 일이었어.

1. I think your right front tire is leaking air.
2. The earthquake claimed tens of thousands of people's lives.
3. He was treated for burn wounds.
4. She got her permanent makeup done the other day.

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