
2013년 4월 26일 금요일

PE 4/25 Showtime!

1. not one's cup of tea: ~의 취향이 아니다
ex> I'm sorry. Bowling is not my cup of tea. How about badminton?

2. the only game in town: 유일한 수단[방법], 유일하게 이용할 수 있는 것
ex> We won't be the only game in town for long. Soon imitators will release their own versions of our product.

3. get a grip: 정신을 차리다, control oneself, cool one's temper, take it easy
ex> She needs to get a grip. If she panics, she will ruin everything.

* long: 간절히 바라다
* regret: 후회

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