
2013년 4월 13일 토요일

4/12 Black Day

* significant other: 소중한 사람, 애인, 배우자
ex> He's bringing his significant other to the party.

* suck: 형편없다, 엉망이다 (slang, rude)
ex> Their new CD sucks.

* be meant for: ~을 위한 것이다, 의도하다
* lonely heart: 교제 상대를 찾는 사람, 외로운 사람  cf) loner [|loʊnə(r)]: 외톨이
ex> This song is for all the lonely hearts.

* commiserate [kə|mɪzəreɪt]: 동정하다, 위로하다
ex> Would you like to commiserate with me and a bottle of wine?
ex> She commiserated with the losers on their defeat.

* signify: 의미하다, 나타내다
ex> This ring signifies my love for you.

* mate: 짝, 배우자, 친구
* stuffed: 잔뜩 먹은, 배가 부른 cf> stuffed animal: 봉제인형
ex> I'm stuffed and can't eat anymore.

* things: 상황, 형편
* look a lot different: 매우 다르게 보이다
ex> This situation will look a lot different tomorrow.

A: Sang-won! Sang-won!
B: What? Why your called me?

1. Is this your significant other?
2. I commiserated with him over the loss of his dog.
3. This flower signifies purity and healthy.
4. Don't you want some companionship when you get older?

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