
2013년 4월 3일 수요일

4/3 Pricking Fingers

* go out to eat: 외식하다
* almost always: 거의 언제나  ex> Where there are people, there are almost always mice or rats.

* pick up: (버릇을) 얻다, 알게 되다, 익히게 되다  ex> to pick up bad habits
ex> Here's a tip I picked up from my mother.
ex> I picked up Spanish when I was living in California.

* prone: ~하기 쉬운, 걸리기 쉬운
ex> She is very mean and prone to anger.

* indigestion [|ɪndɪ|dƷestʃən]: 소화 불량
* severe case of: 심한 증상의
ex> The doctor told her she has a severe case of pink eye.

* be stuck: 막히다, 꼼짝도 못하다
ex> I was stuck in traffic for two hours.

* prick: 찌르다  ex> she pricked her finger on a needle.
* constrict: 수축하다, 조이다
* swiftly: 빠르게
ex> He swiftly issued an apology for his insensitive comments.

* squeeze out: ~을 짜내다, 몰아내다
* miraculously: 기적적으로
ex> A motorcyclist miraculously survived the horrific crash.

* ailment [|eɪlmənt]: an illness which is not very serious.   질병, 병
ex> childhood/common/minor ailments

@ This works wonders for me.  나에겐 기적같이 효과가 있어.

1. He picked up all the bad habits from his brother.
2. Stretching makes you less prone to injury.
3. She couldn't make it because she had a severe case of flu.
4. They walked swiftly to the nearest exit.

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