
2013년 4월 5일 금요일

4/5 Arbor Day

* celebrate: 기념하다, 축하하다
ex> We celebrated her birthday last week.

* one of the reasons: 이유 중 하나
ex> One of the reasons I like you is because you are honest.

* temperate [|tempərət]: 온화한, generous
* unify: 통일하다, 통합하다
* cultivate: 경작하다, 재배하다
ex> The man cultivated a new type of tulip.

* vast: 어마어마한, 방대한
ex> The house is beside a vast field of lavender.

* reforest: 재식림하다, 다시 나무를 심다
* honor the occasion: 그날을 기념하다
ex> We will honor the occasion with a party.

* reminder: 상기시키는 것

@ You're sweating like a pig.  너 땀을 비 오듯 흘리는데.

1. They celebrated his promotion at the hotel bar.
2. The kingdoms unified against the invaders.
3. Has she cultivated a new kind of bean?
4. Let's honor the occasion at my house.

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