
2013년 4월 10일 수요일

PE 4/9 Hillary Clinton Interview, Part 2, "Rising Above Problems"

1. a hard row to hoe: 힘든 일
ex> Changing jobs late in life is a hard row to hoe.
ex> It's a hard row to hoe to look for the criminal.

2. let bygones be bygones: 지난 일은 잊어버리다
ex> I think it is time that we let bygones be bygones.

3. tell ~ apart: ~을 구별하다
ex> I have a really hard time telling our twins apart, but my wife won't let me write their names on their foreheads.

* investigation: 조사
* public figure: 유명인사, 공인
* ally [|ӕlaɪ]: 협력자
* soar: 급증하다, 솟구치다
* outpouring [|aʊtpɔ:rɪŋ]: 분출, 터져 나옴  ex> spontaneous outpourings of praise

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