
2013년 4월 10일 수요일

4/9 Medical Tourism

* have grown to: ~로 성장하다
* reputable  [|repjətəbl] : 평판이 좋은 = respected
ex> My hospital is the most reputable in the thyroid surgery.
ex> She has a reputable company and good relations with customers.

* largely due to: 주로 ~ 때문인, 주요 원인인
ex> Her success is largely due to her persistence and hard work.

* state-of-the-art: the most recent and therefore considered the best, up-to-the-minute,  최첨단의  ex> The security system we're using is state of the art.

* advanced: 뛰어난, 앞선
* orthopedic: 정형외과의
* beacon [|bi:kən] :  a light or a fire, usually on a hill or tower, which acts as a signal or a warning,  등불, 신호등
ex> The college is a beacon for future scientists and engineers.
ex> He was a beacon of hope for the younger generation.

* exemplary: 모범적인, 본보기의
ex> He has shown exemplary work.
ex> Her behavior was exemplary.

* dramatically: 극적으로, 과장되게 = drastically
ex> The success rate of this surgery has dramatically risen.

@ It's worth a try.  시도해 볼 만해.

1. His company is not very reputable.
2. My success is largely due to my loving family.
3. Your attitude and work has been exemplary.
4. The students want to promote their music.

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